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Jewish Renaissance October Issue Launch: Jewish Washington DC

Sunday 18 October marks the launch of Jewish Renaissance’s October magazine. This issue explores the potential consequences of the US elections for the American Jewish community and Jews across the world, teaming up with the Capital Jewish Museum, Washington DC, for an exploration of the Jewish side of the city.

Josh Glancy, Washington bureau chief for The Sunday Times joins us for a discussion and Q&A alongside local politician Elissa Silverman, an independent council member for DC, and Sabrina Sojourner, educator, writer and Jewish community chaplain. Discover more about DC’s Jewish roots in the Oct 2020 issue of JR.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link, which will be sent out the day before the event. If you register after 5pm on Thu 15 Oct, you will receive the link one hour before the event on Sunday.

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October 25

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